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Posted on 08/25/2022

Ransomware Attack and How to Protect Your Data

IT Directors and technical support are focused on IT infrastructure security and prepare themselves against possible ransomware attacks. For a good reason: ransomware attack assaults and devastate businesses of all sizes and industries worldwide. The cost of ransomware attacks is expected to reach $20 billion in 2021 and $265 billion by 2031. 

However, what precisely is a ransomware attack? How much does ransomware often payout? Data recovery from ransomware is what? How much does recovery cost, and how long does it take? What should be done to implement the finest ransomware recovery strategies? 

Continue reading to discover the responses to these and other questions. 

Ransomware Attack: What Is It? 

A particularly pernicious form of malware, or malicious code, known as ransomware, has existed since 1989. Basic ransomware encrypts your data and systems, prevents access to as much of it as possible, and demands a ransom to unlock it. More advanced assaults copy your data and threaten to publish it if the ransom is not paid. They can encrypt your data to limit access. 

Hackers may deploy wicked bugs in your Network infrastructure by doing a little homework and taking control of your business database. The most horrible part is that they may seize all your information for ransom, resulting in a massive financial loss.

Attackers employ various tactics to introduce ransomware onto a victim's network.  

Sending phishing emails that look to be from a trustworthy source to fool employees of a corporation into opening malicious attachments or clicking links to malicious websites is a common strategy.  

Other attacks take advantage of operating systems or software flaws; the most well-known example was the WannaCry ransomware outbreak in May 2017.  

What is even more concerning is that cybercriminals are now tempting workers to purposefully introduce ransomware into their work network in exchange for a cut of the ransom payment. 

How much does ransomware often payout? 

It is difficult to estimate the typical ransom demand or payoff with accuracy. Businesses are reluctant to acknowledge a breach and much less willing to admit to paying a ransom. Additionally, fraudsters frequently demand payment in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, making tracking the transactions incredibly challenging. 

Researchers are still making every effort to provide answers to these queries. According to one study, the average ransomware demand in 2020 was $847,344, with the highest being an astounding $30 million. The average payout was $312,493, a 171% increase from the previous year. According to further analysis, ransomware victims paid attackers approximately $406 million in total in 2020.

How much does and how long does ransomware recovery cost?

In 2021, the average cost of resolving a ransomware attack doubled to $1.85 million. A ransomware attack has costs that include:

  • Costs related to the IT team – Restoring your systems to operation after a ransomware attack can be expensive. Your IT staff may need to spend a lot of time on this and may need to hire pricey outside consultants.
  • Additional staff costs - IT specialists won't be the only ones involved in the ransomware recovery attempt. Marketing, communications, finance, legal, and human resources teams will be busy dealing with the consequences, which include answering press queries, negotiating ransom payments, responding to employee inquiries, and much more.
  • Revenue lost due to business interruption — The average downtime following a ransomware attack has risen over time and is currently 23 days. Even for significant corporations, losing the ability to conduct business for more than three weeks is disastrous and can quickly drive smaller companies out of business.
  • Legal fees and settlement costs – If there is a sensitive or regulated data breach due to a ransomware infestation, the legal costs will escalate swiftly. Your legal teams may also have to deal with oversight committees and litigation, leading to a high settlement, an expensive, protracted legal battle, or both.
  • Fines — In 2022, the UK Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) imposed the General Data Protection Regulation's (GDPR) first monetary ransomware penalty, totalling £98,000 (about US$129,000). ICO will probably issue further fines.
  • Damage to your reputation – A ransomware assault can do long-lasting harm to your company's reputation since customers and business partners will no doubt begin to doubt your ability to protect their private information. The impact is likely to be worse the longer ransomware recovery takes.

What You Can Do for Data Security

You can quickly reduce the grave risk of data theft. Share data with multifactor authentication, store your critical data securely, improve your IT infrastructure security, get Network Support from experts and ask pertinent questions before making a call to share your personal information. Keep your computers and other electronic devices secure 24/7.

And for this purpose, follow these steps.

Cybersecurity and Technology Security Services Concept. Man Using Digital Tablet

1.     Be Alert to Hoax Calls

Don't disclose your personal information on the phone, through email, or over the Internet chat boxes unless you know who you verify the caller. A bank never asks for a card number or pin over the phone. If a company claims to have an account with you, you can always call their customer care to confirm that.

2.     Educate Your Workforce

Train your staff to deal with data theft threats they may face. Your team must be aware of their online tasks and network access usage. Tell your staff to develop strong passwords and avoid suspicious emails, phone calls, and mistrustful online activities. You can arrange workshops on that regularly. It works.

3.     Use Spam Filters for safe links and attachments

Emails are one of the most common ways of a ransomware attack. You can identify and manage unsolicited emails and reduce the amount of spam and phishing emails. Use a strong defender for emails to protect against any ransomware attack and enable safe links and attachments to reduce the chance of clicking a phishing or fraudulent email by mistake.

4.     Keep Your Browser Safe with Latest EndPoint Protection

Protect your device with powerful endpoint protection. Most defenders for Endpoints protect your browser from any ransomware attack. Protect your online transactions using encryption software that scrambles data you send over the internet. Data Encryption is one of the best techniques to ensure that your computer system's data cannot be stolen and read by any unauthorised user. It is the alteration of data from a readable format into an encoded form that data must process, and it will not be easy for the impersonators.

5.     Use Superior Access Control Techniques

You can use the role-based access control technique to keep your company's data secure and reduce the chances of ransomware attacks. It allows your company to decide who can access data based on their roles and responsibilities. Give selective control to your people so they can access only the information they need to perform their duties.

6.     Protect yourself with Data Back-Up and Disaster Recovery

Keep data back up so that you can recover lost information in the event of a cyber attack. A data backup and disaster recovery plan is a must to keep yourself protected against any unexpected disasters. This process will trim down the damage in any unfortunate data breach event.

7.     Use Security Testing Across all Verticals

Various Frequent security testing practices like risk assessment, vulnerability scanning, and security assessment can help companies ensure that their sensitive data is safe and protected. A reliable IT infrastructure support company can help you protect yourself against Ransomeware attacks.

Other Methods of Committing Online Fraud


They are dangerous fake messages that look like believable issues with eye-catching content. One simple click and you may unknowingly compromise your company's whole IT network system affecting the private database, financial details, and other important information. Phishing is the most popular way of a ransomware attack.

Threat to 'IoT' System

Various organisations are now employing IoT devices that are highly interconnected to boost revenue. These networks are easy targets for cybercriminals. Once hacked, IoT devices can create real turmoil in your system and may lock down your vital equipment.


No one can deny that the threat of data theft is accurate, and IT Managers shall prepare every London business in advance to tackle phishing, ransomware, hoax call consequences, and other threats. Do not wait until cybercriminals steal your data. Get in touch with an IT support service expert today to get a first-rate cyber cover for your organisation.

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